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The Mystery of Manifestation

What it is Manifestation?

The following is part one of a five part-series on the concept and practice of “manifesting,” also known as “manifestation.”

Manifestation” is quite the buzzword in the spiritual community these days. It's thrown around by wealth gurus, spiritual teachers, and truth seekers alike. There are many books on this topic, like The Law of Attraction, The Power of Awareness, and 8 Secrets to Powerful Manifesting, to name a few. I have included a more extensive list at the end of the post for anyone interested in further reading.

There are also various programs and subscription services to help improve your manifestation ability, like To Be Magnetic (also here) and the many workshops of Dr. Joe Dispenza.

With the greater spiritual awakening that humankind is currently experiencing, a belief in manifestation is also on the rise. Yet, there still needs to be more clarity around what manifestation is and more about how to do it.

The origins of manifestation are ancient. Belief in such a practice is present in many philosophical, spiritual, and religious traditions worldwide and throughout history. Examples of such views are present in Hermeticism, Hinduism, Buddhism, Taoism, ancient Egyptian spirituality, and some indigenous belief systems. All these traditions have explored ideas related to the connection between the mind and reality. These traditions often emphasize the role of consciousness and intention in shaping your experiences.

With such a prevalent history, many ways to approach this idea have developed over time. The core tenet of manifestation is the understanding that you have an innate power to shape your material world. To do this, you must acknowledge that your thoughts, intentions, and actions influence your reality. By harnessing this power, you can shape your destiny. You can achieve success and abundance for yourselves and your loved ones and improve your life.

Manifestation is not only about material desires but also personal and spiritual growth. The journey of manifestation is one of self-discovery. You can achieve personal transformation and alignment with your higher purpose through introspection.

Generally speaking, manifesting falls into spiritualism, mysticism, and metaphysics. For clarity, let's define each and then discuss how they approach the topic of manifestation.

How to Approach Manifestation

What's the Difference Between


In some way, shape, or form, spiritualism has existed for millennia and is an inherent trait of all early modern societies. Spiritualism is a belief system that explores the existence of non-physical realms. It emphasizes communication with spirits, including the angels, guides, ancestors, and your higher self. An integral part of spiritualism is the belief that consciousness continues after death. Also prominent is the belief that it is possible to communicate with unbodied consciousness through mediums, seances, or mediation.


Mysticism refers to a direct and personal experience of union and communion with the divine or ultimate reality. Found in subsets of many religious traditions, it involves a deep sense of spiritual insight, connection, and transcendence beyond the material world. The mystic seeks to connect with the divine through meditation, prayer, and contemplation. The goal of the mystic is self-transcendence. Mystics characterize their experiences as a sense of oneness and awe. Realizing a deeper truth beyond your ordinary perception is also a key principle of mystic belief.


Metaphysics is a branch of philosophy that explores fundamental questions about the nature of reality. Addressing questions beyond empirical observation and scientific explanation, it focuses on the underlying principles that shape your universe. Metaphysics delves deep into what existence is and the relationship between the physical and non-physical world. It also analyses abstract concepts like time, space, causality, consciousness, and the nature of being itself.

Multiple Means to the Same End

We have established what manifesting is and the different channels used to practice it. Now, let's look at the act of manifestation through the lens of each of the three approaches.

Manifestation and


From a spiritual standpoint, manifestation involves the recognition of an interconnectedness of all things. The objects of your desire originate in the spiritual or non-physical realm. They are brought into physical reality by the power that the spiritual self has on the material world. By aligning your consciousness and intentions with the universal energy, you co-create desired outcomes, experiences, and circumstances. It is a profound process that involves harmonizing the inner spiritual self with a greater spiritual reality.

Some key aspects of spiritual manifestation include:

Alignment with Higher Self

Manifestation begins by connecting to your higher self. The higher self is your spiritual aspect that is in tune with cosmic wisdom and divine guidance. This alignment helps you identify authentic desires that align with your spiritual journey.

Conscious Intentions

Setting clear and positive intentions is central to spiritual manifestation. By infusing your intentions with purpose, love, and higher consciousness, you allow them to resonate with the energy of creation.

Energetic Interaction

The understanding that thoughts, emotions, and intentions emit vibrations. These vibrations interact with the spiritual and energetic fabric of the universe. Maintaining positive and harmonious vibrations is essential for attracting aligned manifestations.

Trust and Release

The practice of surrender. It involves releasing attachment to outcomes. You must set an intention but then let go of control over its unfolding. You must trust that universal wisdom will guide the manifestation process appropriately and with divine timing.

Visualization and Affirmation

Visualize the desired outcome and affirm its existence. It helps to create a mental blueprint that the universe can follow. This process amplifies the energy and intention behind the manifestations.


Expressing gratitude for not only what is but for what will be is an integral part of spiritual manifestation. It opens the heart and aligns the individual with the flow of abundance from the spiritual realm.

Co-Creation with the Divine

Spiritual manifestation acknowledges that the individual is not solely responsible for creation. It involves collaborating with the divine or universal consciousness. It is a recognition that the universe supports and responds to the individual's intentions.


Like the spiritual approach, the mystical path to manifestation involves aligning intention and vibration. When these are in sync, the universal energy can bring your desires into physical reality. For the mystic, manifestation involves more than positive thinking. It's about tapping into the deeper layers of reality and understanding our true desires. It involves harmonizing your inner self with the divine flow of the universe. This alignment requires profound awareness and connection to your higher self or spiritual essence.

The mystical approach to manifestation goes beyond the materialistic focus of acquiring things. It's about a deeper understanding of your purpose through growth and transforming your being. It's a journey that involves both personal development and spiritual evolution. This allows us to take part in the realm of cosmic creation.

Key components of manifestation from a mystical perspective include:

Clear Intention

Define what you want to manifest. It is important to ensure you understand the underlying motivations and feelings behind your desires. This requires significant self-reflection. A clear intention through self-analysis will help you align your energic vibration with the universe's.


Achieving a state of alignment between thoughts, emotions, beliefs, and actions. This will help us resonate with the frequencies of the universe. Alignment is also present in your connection to source energy. By connecting to the universal consciousness, you can acknowledge that you are co-creating with the divine.

Vibrational Energy

The recognition that everything is energy and interconnected. Your thoughts and emotions emit vibrations that interact with the energetic nature of the cosmos. Feelings of love, for instance, involve higher frequencies than negative thoughts or feelings of anger or lack.

Maintaining a positive and elevated vibration is crucial for effective manifestation. You cannot sync up with higher vibrational states if you emit energy at lower frequencies than that of your desires.


Letting go of attachment to outcomes and timing and trusting in the universe's wisdom. It is essential to surrender the ego's need for control over outcomes. Allow the divine flow of energy to guide the manifestation process. Surrendering is akin to a cosmic “set it and forget it.”

Visualization and Meditation

Engaging in practices of visualization through meditation. This will help to create a clear mental image of your desired manifestation. Through meditation, you can infuse your desires with positive emotions and intentions.


Expressing gratitude for what you already have and the coming fulfillment of desires. Gratitude increases your vibrational energy. It opens us up for more blessings to flow into your life.


From a metaphysical point of view, manifestation refers to the process by which thoughts, beliefs, and intentions create the physical aspects of reality. Rooted in this idea is the fundamental interconnectedness between the mind, consciousness, and the external world. Your thoughts and energies directly influence the nature of your experiences and the circumstances that appear in your life.

This requires you to engage with the inherent creative power of consciousness and energy. You align yourself with the outcomes you wish to attract into your life through energy. By understanding the interplay between thoughts, feelings, and actions, you shape the physical reality you experience.

Metaphysical manifestation involves the following key principles:

Conscious Creation

The belief that consciousness is not passive is at the core of metaphysical manifestation. Your consciousness participates in shaping the world around us. Your thoughts, beliefs, and intentions have the potential to mold the energetic fabric of the universe. You can thus influence what you perceive in your reality.

Law of Attraction

Central to metaphysical manifestation is the law of attraction, which states that like attracts like. The energy you emit through your thoughts and emotions draws corresponding energies or experiences into your life. Positive thoughts and emotions attract positive experiences, while negative ones attract negative experiences.

Energetic Alignment

Involves aligning your inner energies with the outcomes you desire. This alignment requires cultivating a harmonious resonance between conscious intentions and subconscious beliefs.

Subconscious Influence

Metaphysical manifestation recognizes the powerful role of the subconscious mind. Subconscious beliefs and patterns can either support or hinder your conscious intentions. You must clear limiting beliefs to manifest our desires. Introspection, journaling, meditation, or a psychedelic journey are effective tools for this.

Visualization and Affirmation

These tools help focus the mind and direct energy toward desired outcomes. By imagining a desired reality and affirming its existence, you amplify its potential to manifest.

Universal Energy

There is a universal energy that permeates everything. Recognizing its existence is a key tenant to a metaphysical manifestation practice. You must understand that this energy is responsive to your thoughts and intentions. With focused awareness, you can direct it to create your desired reality.

Cosmic Collaboration

Manifestation is a collaborative process between the individual and cosmic consciousness. You are not an isolated being but rather an integral part of a vast, interconnected whole.


Metaphysical manifestation recognizes the importance of divine timing and the need for patience. The universe brings forth your desires when the conditions are most favorable for their realization.

But Wait… There's A Fourth Way To Manifest!

There is also a fourth way to achieve manifestation. I want to discuss this before I wrap up the post. The fourth approach is:


In this regard, the concept of manifestation is the interplay between psychological factors, behavioral responses, and the physical world. These interactions influence an individual's experiences and the opportunities they attract. This perspective does not have to involve spiritual, mystical, or metaphysical elements, but it still can. It recognizes the significance of the roles of cognitive, emotional, and behavioral processes play. It also focuses on the importance of principles of modern physics in shaping your reality.

A scientific approach to "manifestation" is how an individual's cognitive, emotional, and behavioral patterns influence their perceptions, attitudes, and decisions. These exert influence on the quantum field and the material world around them. This leads to a self-reinforcing cycle that affects experiences and outcomes.

The key elements of scientific manifestation are:

Cognitive and Emotional Patterns

Your thoughts, beliefs, and emotions are central to shaping your perceptions of reality. These patterns influence how you perceive the world. They influence your attitudes toward various situations and opportunities. A positive mindset is of the utmost importance. Negative thought patterns will trap us in limiting beliefs. These stifle motivation and hinder positive action. A positive outlook increases your self-worth and motivation. Positive emotional patterns help to open us up to opportunities otherwise unseen.

Self-Fulfilling Prophecy

Your perceptions and attitudes can trigger self-fulfilling prophecies, where your beliefs guide your behaviors and decisions. This leads to outcomes that align with those initial beliefs.

Behavioral Responses

Your beliefs and attitudes drive your actions and choices. They influence how you engage with the world and the opportunities it presents. If you act in a positive manner to whatever circumstance presents itself, you increase your ability to think and choose effectively.

Neuroplastic Feedback Loop

A cyclical process by which experiences from your behaviors reinforce your initial cognitive and emotional patterns. The brain can adapt and rewire itself based on experience. Thus, repeated patterns of thought and behavior can shape neural pathways. This impacts perceptions and outcomes. If you open your mind to the validity of manifestation and believe it to be real, your mind will rewire itself to reinforce this belief.

Another way to explain this is through confirmation bias. When you seek or interpret information in ways that confirm existing beliefs, you reinforce your desires. This improves the likelihood of them coming into your reality. If you know manifestation to be true, you can look to your experience and see instances of desires coming true. This, in turn, reinforces your belief in manifestation and will thus lead to more desires coming to fruition.

The Key Aspects They All Share

Even though manifesting from a spiritual, mystical, metaphysical, or scientific perspective has unique nuances, they all share some key aspects. I’m sure you could identify the similarities already, but I will clarify if you missed something.

These shared aspects reflect the underlying principles that connect these viewpoints on manifestation. While the terminologies and contexts vary, they share some core ideas. They all emphasize the power of consciousness and your intention and energy alignment. All four approaches include some degree of self-improvement and personal growth. They aim to improve attitude, quiet the ego, and increase self-respect and self-worth.

Here are the common themes all four share:

Conscious Intention

Identify the desires, goals, or outcomes you seek to bring into reality and set clear intentions for them.

Energy and Vibration

Everything in the universe is connected by energy. When manifesting, your thoughts, intentions, emotions, and beliefs emit energetic vibrations that resonate with similar frequencies in the universe. Therefore, thoughts, feelings, and actions carry energy, influencing the world around us.

For example, a positive mindset carries higher vibrational energy. Higher frequency energy will sync with like energy, attracting positive events (those that match the higher vibrational frequency) towards you. Positive and focused energy aligns with desired outcomes, drawing them into your reality.


Alignment involves harmonizing thoughts, emotions, beliefs, and actions to create a unified energy that resonates with the intended manifestation. This energetic alignment facilitates the flow of opportunities, people, and circumstances that support the manifestation process.

Visualization and Affirmation

Channel focused energy toward your goals by creating a vivid mental image and affirming the reality of the manifestation.


Work with the higher power. The universal consciousness will bring about your desires.

Trust and Release

Let go of attachment to outcomes and trust in the process. Surrender control and have faith in the universe's wisdom and timing.

Personal Growth and Transformation

Engaging in the manifestation process can lead to deeper insights and spiritual evolution. You must manifest your desires from a higher level of energetic vibration. Look within and determine what is holding us back. Strive to change your tendencies toward lower-frequency thoughts, feelings, and actions.

No Matter the Approach, Manifestation Is a Positive Practice

The manifestation practice, regardless of the perspective you approach it from (mystical, metaphysical, spiritual, or scientific), can bring about many positive benefits that enhance various aspects of your life.

Here are some common positive outcomes associated with practicing manifestation:

Clarity and Focus

Manifesting requires you to define your desires and intentions. This clarity and focus spill over into other areas of your life, helping you set clear goals and make purposeful decisions.

Positive Mindset

Manifestation involves cultivating a positive mindset and directing it toward your desired outcomes. Positive thinking can improve mental well-being, reduce stress, and increase resilience.

Increased Awareness

As you become more attuned to your desires and intentions and the energetic flow of nature, you also become more mindful of your thoughts, emotions, and actions. This heightened awareness leads to greater self-discovery and personal growth.


Manifestation empowers you to take an active role in shaping your reality. This sense of agency can boost your self-confidence and belief in your ability to influence your circumstances.

Positive Habits

Manifestation involves adopting positive practices such as visualization, self-love, gratitude, and affirmations. Integrating these into your daily life will help you establish healthy habits that support your well-being. Align yourself with positive thoughts and emotions, and you will attract positive experiences and people into your life.

Reduced Limiting Beliefs

Engaging in manifestation prompts you to confront and overcome limiting beliefs. These limiting beliefs hold you back from achieving your potential. By reducing limiting beliefs, you boost your natural potential.

Personal Transformation

The journey of manifestation is not only about external outcomes. It leads to inner transformation, self-discovery, and an expanded sense of awareness.

Alignment with Purpose

Manifestation encourages exploring your deepest desires and aligning with your true purpose. This can lead to a more meaningful and fulfilling life.

A Final Thought...

It's important to note that the benefits of manifestation can vary from person to person. The effectiveness of the practice might depend on several factors: belief systems, dedication, and the specific techniques used.

Regardless, approaching manifestation with an open heart and a willingness to grow will lead to positive shifts in your mindset, your actions, and the realization of your desires.

Be sure to check out the links in this post. They lead to some valuable resources and programs to aid you on your path to manifesting your dream reality.

Manifestation Reading List

Enjoy the reading list and happy manifesting!

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