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Paradigm Shift

Soon after my separation from my first wife, I met my current wife Lili, a beautiful and unique individual in an endless sea of sheeple. I would discover that she possessed some special abilities and these would challenge my conventional beliefs of the world I claimed to know. Apart from the major life change that a new relationship brings, meeting the soon-to-be love of my life sparked an unexpected change in my view of reality. I came to the realization that I had purposely, yet unwittingly, shut myself off from a world of great spiritual possibility. The skeptic in me at the time was shaken to the core as I was forced to confront a mode of thinking and understanding that had previously been foreign to me.

I won't go too deep into what Lili’s mindset and abilities are in this blog, as these aren't mine to share. However, I will say that she possesses unique talents and I will briefly touch on them below.

My shift began shortly after we reconnected on a dating app and I remember it quite clearly. Following a fun and exciting night out, we lay together in the darkness of her bedroom. We were engaged in an intimate and candid conversation about the lives we had led before reconnecting with each other. She asked me a personal question- which I prefer not to share here, as it would inevitably reveal my answer and I am not comfortable sharing that information publicly quite yet- and without incriminating myself, provided her the well-rehearsed Simon standard answer. I felt confident in my subtle lie, as I had convinced myself that I was justified in my actions, yet I was still ashamed enough of the real answer to hide it. Almost immediately, Lili called me out for my lie. I believe her exact words were something along the lines of “I can feel that you are lying.” I was dumbstruck. In the darkness of the night, I didn't know how to respond because what she was insinuating, correctly, was not known by anyone else but myself. This secret I had kept was unknown to anyone. And she certainly wasn’t picking up on any subtle body language changes as the dark room would have shielded her from seeing any such tell. This was unlikely anyhow, as I was previously confident in my answer and knew I was tell-free. I didn't know how to react but I'm also not one to lie a lot, it's very rare for me. I couldn't bring myself to continue lying and double down, so I revealed the truth. Thankfully, she accepted me for who I was, judgment-free, even after being caught in a lie, and continued to explain that she had a unique ability to know how people truly felt, by bodily energy alone. I learned that night what an empath was and that she also possessed some ‘clair’-abilities. These and much more would be revealed to me as our relationship progressed and I fell deeply in love with her.

This experience with my future wife pried open something deep inside me. Something which I now realize was always there, but that I had shut out, or repressed for many years. I had an innate desire to know more- truly know- about the nature of reality and this experience was the impetus for me to question all that I had come to previously understand. It led me to set aside my judgments, attachments to labels, and preconceived notions in order to experience this new world for myself. It led me to realize that just because science can't test for something, it doesn't mean that something doesn't exist! That paradigm is exactly what modern science has led us all to believe: if it can't be tested and proven, it isn't real. It doesn't touch on the fact that maybe the hypotheses, methodology, or technology needed to test such things just doesn't exist yet, or that no one may yet be willing to take such topics under investigation.

What I knew is I had a firsthand experience of something that science had told me wasn't possible. I had heard of people possessing supernatural abilities but I passed it off as science fiction or otherwise woo-woo bullshit because that's what science had told me to think. What had happened between the two of us was real, I witnessed it directly and it was solid evidence that there was more to this experience than fiction.

This encounter, not only led to a fulfilling and enriching relationship- which produced two beautiful young boys- but also set me down a path in search of personal and spiritual growth and to the discovery of a rich metaphysical world.

"Beware the stories you read or tell; subtly, at night, beneath the waters of consciousness, they are altering your world." - Ben Okri

P.S. I promise, I will get into some juicier topics in my next post. For now, I feel it apt to paint an accurate picture of where I started from on this mystical journey.



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